Friday, April 25, 2008

From the Website

Did I say that?

Bob Novak says Clinton’s more feasible path to the Democrat nomination—though very difficult—is to convince the super-delegates, by winning the remaining primaries, that she has the momentum. The two most important future primaries are North Carolina and Indiana on May 6. North Carolina looks nearly impossible for Hillary considering that half of the state’s 2.5 million registered voters are black and Obama has been getting 90% of black votes. That leaves Clinton with the hope that super-delegates will see Obama as a loser against Sen. John McCain (Ariz.).

The attacks by her and husband Bill Clinton have been counterproductive, Obama’s damage has been self-inflicted—especially the “bitter” speech in San Francisco about gun-totting God nuts; Michelle Obama’s pride-less in America comment; Rev. Wright’s God-damning America and similar witless diatribes, and Obama’s inexplicable friendship with the most vile of domestic terrorists from the Weatherman Underground.

Nobody is yet talking about the biggest bugaboo lurking in the campaign closet – race — or more specifically that Obama is black. Nevertheless it is festering there in the dank darkness awaiting its linkage to other fears and prejudices. Even the likes of radical left winger Lanny Davis is openly worrying about a 49-state Obama thrashing. Now comes Floyd Brown’s withering anti-Obama ad about his perplexing pacifism of a “war-torn Chicago” that makes Murder Incorporated look like a mom n’ pop operation compared to its big box wholesale murder epidemic.

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